How do I start a new Stitch 'n Bitch group?
Great question!
Starting a new group can seem overwhelming, but luckily we have put together a checklist for what you need to get started as well as a guide for how to manage and organize your events.
If you're a pen-and-paper kind of stitcher, download the printable PDF below; if your phone is glued to your body, scroll down to see the virtual check list and guide.

Video Tutorial:
How to Create a New Group
New Group Checklist
Name your group
Stitch 'n Bitch groups go by many many names so feel free to pick the one that resonates with you and your members. We recommend including your city or university name (or other affiliation) in the title of your group to help when people search for you online.
Alternate name ideas:
Sip 'n Stitch
Knit & Natter
Knitting Circle
Knots & Thoughts
Strings & Things
Yarn & Yammer
Sit & Knit
Find a location
The first step to starting a new Stitch 'n Bitch group is to find a place to meet! This can be easier said than done. Below are things to look for in a location:
Comfortable seating
Good lighting
Hours of operation that align with how early or late you want to meet
Availability of snacks and beverages (IMPORTANT - you may need permission from a cafe or restaurant. They will likely welcome you regularly if you patronize their establishment!)
Safety (well-lit parking lots)
Accessibility (avoid places without ADA access when possible)
Proximity to public transportation
Places we have found that tend to fit the above bill include:
Public library community meeting rooms (free, but cannot bring refreshments)
Hotel lounges (always open, tend to have good lighting and refreshments)
Larger cafes
Local knitting stores
Parks - weather permitting of course!
Local bookstores (they often will host as a way to promote their shop)
Chose a date
Once you've found the perfect spot, selecting a recurring day and frequency works well for group members. For the busy bee, we recommend a monthly frequency. If you have more than once a month to dedicate to organizing or are sharing the hosting duties with multiple group members, that's great!
Common and well-attended meeting dates and times:
Wednesdays or Thursdays after working hours
Saturday afternoons
Sunday mornings and afternoons
​Consistency is key! If you can say "We always meet at the corner cafe the second Wednesday of the month" it is easy for you and others to remember. It also helps with people sharing about your group via word-of-mouth.